Friday, September 9, 2011

Truman show

Through out the movie there were several unusual things that occurred that is not normal in normal everyday life.  Three things that were strange was the rain, a studio light, and Truman's wife.  One time when it was raining it was only raining on Truman.  This is very unusual cause it doesn't usually rain on that small of a radius. Also a studio light randomly fell from the sky.  This would seem very strange to me and would make me question what was going on.  Why would a studio light fall from the sky?..unless I was on a stage.... Finlay Truman's wife also would make me question the realness of this life. She was always advertising things anytime she could.  Like she was on TV....These three things would stop me in my footsteps and really make me question on whether what was going on around me was real and not just a show.

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