Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Utilitarian responses to my cross benefit analysis

I think that based on the cost benefit analysis, based on utilitarianism, going to school brings more pleasure/benefits than the pain/costs.  Even though it costs a lot for tuition you benefit greatly from it. Your salary increases and you also learn many core values and characteristics from going to school.  I think a utilitarian might object with tuition because of some of the negative influences( such as bad influence from peers).  Its difficult to put a dollar value to a lot of the benefits of tuition; its easier to see the actual costs of tuition than to be able to put a value on the benefits and calculate how much you actually benefit from tuition.  I think that some would object to some of the values that i put for the benefits.  They might not agree with the value i put for, say, responsibility.  They may argue that its not worth as much as i declared in my cost benefit analysis, which would change the value of the benefits of tuition.

1 comment:

  1. What about the rights of the individuals?
